Military and Strategic Journal
Issued by the Directorate of Morale Guidance at the General Command of the Armed Forces
United Arab Emirates
Founded in August 1971


The Multi-Variant ACV-15

The Armoured Combat Vehicle (ACV) is the generic title for a tracked, diesel engine-powered, heavy-armoured platform in the 13-15 tonne class. These vehicles are capable of performing combined arms operations with main battle tanks, with their platform design enabling integration of a range of subsystems for executing a variety of roles. The Armoured Personnel Carrier (APC) chassis forms the base vehicle for all the other members of the ACV-15 Family of Vehicles.

The ACV-15 is a full-tracked (5 road wheels) lightweight and low-silhouette armoured vehicle capable of high-speed operations on desert conditions, poor infrastructure, roads and/or highways. Its track movement propels and steers the vehicle on land, while access to the vehicle is through a hydraulically-operated ramp, with the personnel door on the rear of the vehicle or through the driver and commander’s hatches on the top deck. 

A large cargo hatch cover is provided in the top deck, behind the turret and access for servicing or maintenance of the power plant located in the front right section of the vehicle, either through internal covers or through a cover on the front of the vehicle. Meanwhile, two armoured fuel compartments can be found in the rear of the vehicle for weight distribution and crew safety, while the compartments are separated from the vehicle by armour plate.

The hull is constructed of ballistic aluminum plate, with its late thickness varying on the different planes of the hull according to ballistic requirements. Meanwhile, the all-welded construction provides a watertight hull, while hatches, doors, and other openings have watertight seals. 

The power plant and both the driver and the commander’s compartments utilise about one-half the space in the forward area; there is a turret located on the middle right section, with the personnel compartment in the rear utilising the remaining one-half. So far, FNSS have produced more than 2,500 ACV-15s for Turkish Land Forces and users worldwide.

Optimally Designed Protection
The hull of the ACV-15 is made of an additional layer of spaced laminate steel armour bolted onto the hull. The vehicle provides a protection against the firing of small arm 14.5mm AP and 3 kg of explosive (8kg optional). 

There are five firing ports - two in each side of the hull and one in the ramp at the rear – while a day periscope is located over each of the side firing ports.

Next-Gen Mobility Attributes
The ACV-15 is motorised with a Detroit Diesel engine 6V537T capable of developing 300 hp when coupled to an automatic transmission Allison X-200-4 with 4 forward and 1 reverse gears. The suspension on either side consists of five dual rubber-tyred roadwheels with the drive sprocket at the front and the idler at the rear. 

Not only is there no requirement for track-return rollers, but the first, second and last roadwheel stations have a hydraulic shock-absorber on either side. The ACV-15 can hence run at a maximum road speed 65 km/h with a maximum road range of 490 km, while the vehicle can climb up to 60 per cent gradient, move on a 30 per cent side slope, cross a trench of maximum 1.83m and a vertical obstacle of 0.74m.

M2 Class Armament
The ACV-15 AAPC personnel carrier variant is fitted with a circular ring mount weapon station mounted in the centre-top of the hull, which is armed with an M2 Class machine gun of 12.7mm calibre. A range of eight smoke grenade dischargers can then be mounted at the hull’s front.

High-Tech Accessories  
The fully amphibious ACV-15 is propelled in the water by its tracks at a maximum speed of 6.3 km/h. Before entering the water, it is possible to glimpse a trim vane stowed flat on the glacis plate when it is not in use, then to be erected at the hull’s front. 

The ACV-15 standard equipment includes NBC-protection-system day/night sight vision. As an additional option, the ACV-15 can be fitted with air conditioning, automatic fire suppression system, driver thermal camera and inside display.

Exciting Range of Variants 
For armed forces, the ACV-15 variants cater to every modern need, whether combat support, indirect fire support or recovery, as we see below: 

AAPC: This variant is the Advanced Armoured Personnel Carrier configuration of the ACV-15 vehicles. The AAPC is armed with a 12.7 mm MG with the capacity to carry 13 personnel including driver, commander and gunner. The AAPC variant is the Advanced Armoured Personnel Carrier configuration of the ACV-15 vehicles, armed with a 12.7 mm MG and the capacity to carry 13 personnel including the driver, commander and gunner.

SPM81: The SPM variant is a Self-Propelled Mortar configuration to provide indirect fire support. The vehicle is armed with an 81 mm mortar and a self-defence 7.62 mm or 12.7 mm MG with the capacity to carry 5 personnel including the driver, commander/gunner and mortar crew.

ARV: The ARV variant is the Armoured Recovery Vehicle configuration of the ACV-15 FoV. As a recovery vehicle, it is fitted with a hydraulic crane mounted on the vehicle top plate and a hydraulic recovery winch with a fairlead assembly mounted inside the vehicle, each facilitating the recovery and towing of both armoured and non-armoured vehicles in difficult terrain. The ARV is armed with a self-defence 12.7 mm MG with the capacity to carry 4 personnel including the driver, gunner and 2 technicians.

AIFV: The AIFV is fitted with a stabilised 25 mm one-man Sharpshooter Turret with the capacity to carry 11 personnel, including the driver, commander and gunner.

ANTI ARMOUR–TOW: This mobile armoured platform armed with 2xTOW-Under-Armour system. The Anti Armour-TOW has the capacity to carry 10 TOWII ATGW rounds stowed inside the vehicle and 4 personnel, including the driver, commander, gunner and loader.

FITTERS: This variant is the Recovery & Maintenance Vehicle configuration of the ACV-15 FoV`. It is distinguished by the large hatch on top of the hull and hydraulic crane capable of lifting a complete powerpack if required. An additional flotation panel on the trim vane helps compensate for the weight of the hydraulic crane. FITTERS are armed with a self-defence 12.7 mm MG with the capacity to carry 4 personnel, including the driver, gunner and two technicians.

AESV: This is the Armoured Engineering Squad Vehicle (AESV) configuration of the ACV-15 FoV`. The AESV can be armed with a self defence 7.62 mm or 12.7 mm MG with the capacity to carry 11 personnel, including the driver, commander, gunner and combat engineers.

CPV: The Command Post Vehicle variant of the ACV-15 is used as the operational staff officer’s command post at Brigade and Battalion level. It can also be configured as a Fire Direction Centre with the capacity to carry 6 personnel, including the driver, vehicle commander and staff officers.

AMEV: This vehicle is a highly manoeuvrable, tracked-armoured ambulance designed primarily for casualty evacuation from forward battle areas. It has the capacity to carry a diver and medic with 2 patients on a stretcher or 4 -8 patients in sting position.

AFOV: The Artillery Forward Observation Vehicle configuration of the ACV-15 FoV is equipped with an APU, mast mounted optronic devices and radar sensors for battlefield surveillance and target acquisition. It is armed with a self-defence 12.7 mm MG with the capacity to carry 5 personnel, including driver, commander, gunner and system operators.

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