Military and Strategic Journal
Issued by the Directorate of Morale Guidance at the General Command of the Armed Forces
United Arab Emirates
Founded in August 1971


UAE’s Heroic Role in Providing Relief to Gaza

BY: Editorial Team
Under the leadership of President His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, may God protect him, the UAE is at the forefront of humanitarian, charitable, and volunteering action worldwide. This is evidenced in its humanitarian and relief initiatives, which respond to the call of nations in times of crises and adversity, providing help and assistance to those in need. 
The UAE has made a significant presence in the field of humanitarian action at the global and Arab world levels. It has undertaken challenging missions and has never hesitated to fulfil its duties. The UAE operates with a sense of responsibility to enhance the values of justice, tolerance, and humanitarianism in all societies.
The UAE has played an important role in providing relief to the brotherly Palestinian people since the outbreak of the conflict between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip. The focus has been on alleviating the suffering of civilians in the Gaza Strip through genuine initiatives to provide humanitarian support and directly address the pains and hardships of Palestinians.
Following the orders of President His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, The Gallant Night operations have involved “men who are true to that which they covenanted with Allah”. They have demonstrated significant humanitarian initiatives, executing impactful humanitarian and relief efforts both domestically and internationally.
The Gallant Night Operations embody the values of humanitarianism and cooperation. Their volunteers are characterised by their love for goodness, giving, and assistance to others. 
These operations focus on providing humanitarian and relief assistance to those affected by natural disasters, wars, and conflicts, saving lives, providing urgent medical services, rehabilitating infrastructure in affected areas, and promoting a culture of peace and tolerance among peoples.
Operation Gallant Knight 3 has revealed the exceptional humanitarian capabilities of the UAE in supporting its brethren in times of crisis. Under the directives of our wise leadership, UAE’s efforts continue to provide relief to the Palestinian brotherly people. The operations have delivered approximately 16,470 tonnes of relief, humanitarian, food, and medical aid.
The total tonnage of air drops for Operation “Birds of Goodness” amounted to around 438 tonnes, with 621 trucks actually entering Gaza. The number of trucks transporting aid from Cairo to El Arish reached 411, while there were two cargo ships and a floating hospital. The total number of cases received at the floating hospital in El Arish was 72.
Meanwhile, the UAE received approximately 584 cases, while the field hospital in Gaza received nearly 11,351 cases. The total number of bakeries was five, with a production capacity of 12,500-15,000 loaves per hour. In addition, six desalination plants supplied approximately 1.2 million gallons daily of drinking water.
The “Tarahum - for Gaza” campaign was one of the influential initiatives launched by the UAE to aid the people of Gaza. A large number of citizens and residents participated in supporting their brethren in Palestine, successfully delivering aid inside Gaza despite challenges and difficult conditions.
The UAE is a pioneer in humanitarian work, surpassing many countries, institutions, and international organisations in this field. It will continue to extend a helping hand to its brethren and provide aid to the needy in various countries worldwide.

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