Military and Strategic Journal
Issued by the Directorate of Morale Guidance at the General Command of the Armed Forces
United Arab Emirates
Founded in August 1971


Arquus, Nexter and OCCAR Sign Pre-design Contract for VBAE

The consortium between Arquus and Nexter, a company of KNDS, and the Organisation for Joint Armaments Co-operation (OCCAR) recently signed the pre-design contract for the VBAE (Véhicule Blindé d’Aide à l’Engagement).
OCCAR, the European intergovernmental procurement agency responsible for cooperative defence contract management, will set up and manage the programme. The signing marks the first step towards converging of the operational requirements and architecture of this future armoured vehicle, whose development and production are expected within the French and Belgian armies as of 2030.
The VBAE is the result of a close collaboration between industry, OCCAR and the customer nations in order to replace, for France, the VBL (Light Armoured Vehicle), which has been in service within the French forces since the late 1980s. For Belgium, the VBAE represents an additional step in the development of its motorised capacity by reinforcing its reconnaissance and command and control capabilities.

The VBAE will be a versatile system suitable for many types of missions. A strong emphasis will be placed on essential mobility, stealth, protection, and fire function performances. 
The project’s realisation will be ensured by the lead contractor, Arquus and its co-contractor, Nexter, which will subcontract some of its activities to the Belgian company John Cockerill Defense (JCD).

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