Military and Strategic Journal
Issued by the Directorate of Morale Guidance at the General Command of the Armed Forces
United Arab Emirates
Founded in August 1971

Studies and Research

Armoured Vehicles: Indispensable Assets for Strategic Objectives

Land power is indispensable for achieving strategic ground objectives. Yet the modern battlefield is changing, with new threats and enemies emerging to create fresh challenges for armed forces and so arises the need for  new

Mars Landings Point to a Human Future

Since 1965, numerous robotic spacecraft have flown by, orbited or landed on Mars to send back to Earth information about this very different world.   Recently, Mars Global Surveyor gathered data for nine years with many of

Making Smartphones Secure, Yet Easy To Use

Consumer smartphones are notoriously open to attack from people seeking to use the data they contain to gain access to the owner’s bank details, passwords and other personal information. Other types of attack target software

The Nuclear Triad: Russian Perspectives

The agreement between the United States and Russian Federation on Measures for the Further Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms (the New START Treaty) entered into force on February 5, 2011.    The US and Russia

New START and the Nuclear Triad: The U.S. Perspective

The 2010 Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty between the United States and the Russian Federation (New START) is aimed at reducing the nuclear arms arsenal of both countries. The United States is in the process of

Counter IEDs:New Technological Approaches to Asymmetrical Warfare

An improvised explosive device (IED) is an unconventional explosive weapon that can take any form and be activated in a variety of ways. IEDs target soldiers and civilians alike, continuing to be the weapon of

A Guide to Next Generation Fighters

Do we need fighter aircrafts when we have armed drones?  The simple answer is Yes, because drones cannot compete with manned fighter aircrafts when performing an OODA (Observation-Orientation-Decision-Action) loop.  OODA is one of the first principles of

Simulators – Providing Fool Proof Pilot Training

Modelling and simulation technology has become an integral part of modern military pilot training. High quality, high fidelity simulations mean lower costs during training, and an environment realistic enough to prepare would-be pilots for a

Humans & Machines It Takes Two

The merging of machine capability and human consciousness is happening already and autonomous convoys on the battlefield are becoming a reality. Researchers are exploring how to increase collaboration among unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) swarms and operators

Darpa Searches For Intelligent Imaging Sensors

The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is looking for research proposals that can demonstrate multi-functional imaging sensors reconfigurable through software. Proposers will build around a common digital framework, customisable for specific applications. DARPA is

Hybrid Warfare and its Implications for the Region

A new form of conflict, labeled as hybrid warfare, has become a “buzzword” that hardly any security conference or journal passes by without mentioning it. While the term – hybrid warfare - lacks a clear

Emerging New Technologies Define Future Security Scenarios

Technological advancements are redefining global security concepts like never before The evolution of warfare and international security is defined by innovative technologies.  Rapid advances in technology can drastically tilt power balances, and every nation needs

US OA-X Draws Interest From Industry Giants

The United States Air Force (USAF) is calling for aircraft to participate in a low-cost attack experiment known as OA-X : Capability Assessment of Non-Developmental Light Attack Platforms.  During the 2017 Air Force Association Air Warfare

FREMM,The Future of Naval Frigates

The FREMM (European multi-purpose frigate; in French: FRégate Européenne Multi-Mission; in Italian: FRegata Europea Multi-Missione) is a class of multi-purpose frigates designed by DCNS/Armaris and Fincantieri for the French and Italian navies..   FREMM launched in 2005,

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