Military and Strategic Journal
Issued by the Directorate of Morale Guidance at the General Command of the Armed Forces
United Arab Emirates
Founded in August 1971


Collins Showcases Connected Aviation Solutions at Dubai Airshow

Collins Aerospace, an RTX company, presented key offerings from its business lines at the Dubai Airshow, most of which involved enhanced connectivity capabilities, or Connected Aviation Ecosystem, for the commercial markets and the Connected Battlespace for the defence sector.
By Sakha Pramod
In an interview with Nation Shield, Amal Osman, Collins Aerospace’s Managing Director for the Middle East & Africa region, stated, “We featured the new Zero-G HMDS+ helmet on the Avionics side, the next-gen space suit selected by NASA for the International Space Station, the ACES 5 ejection seats for upgrading F-15 and F-16 fleets, and the NP2000 propeller systems for upgrading the C-130H fleet.”
Below are excerpts from the interview.
Raytheon was recently rebranded as RTX, and its business realigned. In what specific areas is Collins benefiting from RTX’s realignment?
The rebranding of Raytheon Technologies to RTX that we announced in July reflects a strategic realignment of our businesses to better meet our customer commitments and emphasise our collective strength. 
RTX is one enterprise, and we are working together with Pratt & Whitney and Raytheon to deliver the best solutions across the aerospace and defence markets. 
Our businesses and our corporate engineering and research centres are collaborating to find technology synergies and share operational lessons to drive down costs while improving solutions. 
Collins Aerospace specialises in advanced structures, avionics, interiors, mission systems and power and control systems that serve customers across the commercial, regional, business aviation and military sectors. Following this realignment, Collins will drive the RTX JADC2 and connected aviation solutions strategies. 
To enable the connected battlespace, we’ve heavily invested in technologies to make JADC2 a reality, realigned our portfolio into a single business, and increased the speed of delivering new technologies and capabilities that blend legacy and developmental technologies, open systems architecture, digital engineering, and proven militarised commercial solutions.
Can you give an overview of the solutions and innovative technologies that Collins showcased at the Dubai Airshow? 
This year at the Dubai Airshow, we came with key offerings from our business lines, most of which involved enhanced connectivity capabilities, known as the Connected Aviation Ecosystem for the commercial markets and the Connected Battlespace for the defence sector.

Both feature flexible digital systems that work across platforms, integrated product lines that simplify complex operations into turnkey solutions, and are developed in collaboration with our RTX sister companies, Pratt & Whitney and Raytheon.
In the space sector, we displayed advanced technologies and solutions for the latest generation of cargo and crew platforms, reaching beyond Earth’s orbit.
We highlighted our new Zero-G HMDS+ helmet and the next-gen space suit chosen by NASA for the International Space Station. Additionally, we showcased our ACES 5 ejection seats, NP2000 propeller systems for C-130H upgrades, and our solutions for the “connected aviation ecosystem,” streamlining data analysis and information delivery in a cyber-secure environment.
What do you feel is the biggest strength of Collins Aerospace for your customers in the region?
Across the board, our ability to provide both military and commercial customers with integrated solutions that solve their problems may be our biggest strength right now. 
Our path forward centres around key strategic areas of focus, with each part of our business contributing its engineering and manufacturing expertise to create breakthrough technologies and capabilities that can transform our industry. 
Inside Collins, we’re thinking about these breakthrough technologies in terms of seven strategic initiatives where we are positions to own or significantly lead the market: Advanced Structures, Electrified Aircraft, Autonomous Operations, Cabin Experience, Connected Aviation Ecosystem, Connected Battlespace and Integrated Solutions.
What is Collins Aerospace doing to achieve the goal of aviation carbon neutrality by 2050? Is the target realistic? 
RTX is uniquely poised to drive sustainable advancements in aerospace and defence with our extensive capabilities and global presence.
We believe the targets are challenging but achievable. It’s even an imperative for us and for our industry. Together with Pratt & Whitney, we are advancing sustainable technology and innovation globally that improve overall aircraft fuel economy through the engines, aircraft systems and services. 
Collins invests over US$3 billion annually in redefining aerospace technologies. Industry collaboration and government support are crucial to reach the Net Zero CO2 emissions target by 2050.
Our success in aircraft positioning has created a US$120 billion installed base of equipment across 70,000 commercial aircraft, the industry’s largest, enabling us to lead the way towards achieving Net Zero CO2 emissions by 2050.
To illustrate our innovation and technological differentiation in shaping the future of commercial aerospace, we’re driving hybrid-electric propulsion for fuel-efficient flight.

We are also partnering with Pratt & Whitney on sustainable aviation solutions, including 100 per cent Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF)-ready engines, hydrogen propulsion research, and hybrid-electric systems. Our 1 MegaWatt electric motor was featured at the Emirates Innovation Center in the COP 28 green zone, a source of pride for us.
We are creating lighter-weight, higher performing structures to decrease maintenance and save fuel and transforming the use of data into powerful insights that improve airline and airport operations as well as passenger experiences through our connected ecosystem strategic initiative.

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